Friday, September 4, 2009

Army Open House Part II - Helicopter Ride

Everyone had to watch this 10 mins safety briefing before
boarding the helicopter. But seems that no one is interested
as we were all chit chatting and laughing away.
Good slogan.
On our way to AOH. Glen and Chong supposed to join us, but
back out last minute as they were too hungry.

Oh my, so this is how I looked like when I'm talking. Ugly!
She is a very funny and blur girl. Guess her favourite dish
is squid. Correct Huey Yi?

Stupid Keith. Make me feel as if I want to take pix with him
but he's not in the least interested. Look at his face, just
cannot be bothered at all. LOL
Inside the theatre watching a short clip before we are allowed
to board the helicopter.
Again. Keith, smile leh.

Real pilot conducting the briefing. Not dashing at all.
Hope that those in the helicopter are not like this.
Otherwise, it's going to be a very boring trip for us.

Look at our tummy, drastic difference lor. LOL

We wanted to try this yesterday but due to safety reason,
we wasn't allowed so because I was wearing heels. Glad
that we didn't as we didn't know we have to put on helmet, so
The steps were quite steep and I nearly fell.
Thank god, I didn't make a fool of myself.

I still remember his name, Alex. He was so shy. He even
stammered when doing self introduction.

The road was quite bumpy and the journey was approx 10 mins
before we reached our destination. Don't expect to see anything.
It was jungle everywhere.

Finally it has landed. But we still can't walk over yet as we were
told that the pressure will cause the stones to fly everywhere and
could hit us if not careful.
He told me one pix cost $5.00. I know it was purely
a joke, but too bad, too "cold". Maybe because their
job are too operational, that's why their jokes are kind
of boring at times.
Smart siah from back view. Think it's the uniform
that makes the difference, not the person. LOL

Nah, just trying to make an effect.

The funny thing is that Shirleen kept wanting to take a pix
with him. So Gladys told me, "Shermaine, don't see him like
so smart. Si Ka Li, he is cock eye when he removed his glasses."
And I replied, "Si Ka Li he is bald when he removed his helmet."
Hahah... And we both laughed. No one knew what we were
laughing as everyone had their ear pluck on. Damn funny, we
look totally like a clown.

Should have taken extra. One pair for Daniel so
that I can't hear what he is nagging and the other for
my husband who snore like thunder.